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You have an opportunity to select your transport operator. Our representatives will help you with the details.

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Popular Destination


Select the country you’d like to visit and provide our agents with estimated time – they’ll find and offer the most suitable tours and hotels.

Labuan Bajo, NTT

Diving in Labuan Bajo allows you to encounter manta rays, dolphins, and whale sharks

Rice Terraces, Bali

Bali’s rice terraces are pretty iconic and one of the most popular things to see when on the island.

Prambanan, Yogya

Prambanan Temples is the largest Hindu temple in Indonesia, with a total of 240 large and small temples

Borobudur, Java

The Borobudur Temple Compounds is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world

Gili Meno, NTB

Here you can enjoy the turquoise waters, white sand beaches, and beautiful shade of trees.

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Our Top Destinations


Let us curate an inspiring experience as you enjoy a personally-themed adventure with a professional guide catered to your interests. Whether a one-day trip or multi-trip journey, you’ll be privileged to enjoy this ultimate luxury to explore Europe with an expert, as well as the unique bird’s eye views from a helicopter in Europe, including Rome, the Dalmation Coast, Paris, Prague and 20 top destinations.

Travel Packages


Discovery Tour provides a variety of great tours to travelers throughout the world. We offer top deals at affordable prices and we can create the most unforgettable holiday for you!


$450 /3days

Thailand is blessed with unique tourism resources, and the main tourist spots are Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Chiang Rai, Hua Hin, Koh Samui, etc.


$300 /2days

Singapore’s famous tourist attractions include: Sentosa Island, Universal Studios, SeaWorld, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Day Zoo and many more.


$400 /2days

It is a country of about 17,508 islands, the largest archipelagic country in the world, and has the reputation of “the country of a thousand islands”.

Tourist Feedback


We Provide Only the Best Tours

Glenn Mcdaniel
    Glenn Mcdaniel

    Tourist Form Spain

    I wanted to thank you very much for planning the trip to France for my sister and me. It was amazing and exceeded my expectations! We had a wonderful time and were very pleased.

    Raisa Barker
      Raisa Barker

      Tourist From Thailand

      We had a marvelous time in our travels to Madagascar, Zimbabwe, and Botswana, we had just wonderful experiences. Your service was amazing and everyone was very attentive!

      Asad Xiong
        Asad Xiong

        Tourist Form China

        Just wanted to say many, many thanks for helping me set up an amazing Costa Rican adventure! My nephew and I had a great time! All of the accommodations were perfect, thank you!

        Terrence Baker
          Terrence Baker

          Tourist Form France

          The trip you put together for us in Italy went splendidly. Each touch point, each adventure, felt like you planned it with care about our needs and expectations. Thank you!

          Tips & Article


          Panaroma of Nepal

          It won’t be a bigger problem to find one video game lover in your neighbor. Since the introduction of Virtual Game. It h…


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